Are you a new customer with us and have already learned German? Or would you like to find out the optimum language level for your course? Take part in our free placement test.

to the placement test

The Österreich Institute in Vienna:
Your team on site

May we introduce? The team of the Österreich Institut! Whether German courses for beginners, specialised language courses or German courses for companies: Our dedicated staff has many years of experience and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about courses, ÖSD exams or other matters related to learning German.


Mag.a Bettina Blum


Markus Blocher


Mag.a Susanne Hartmann

Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Materialien

Mag. Thomas Holzmann


Mag. Grzegorz Kokor

Fachwissenschaftliche Leitung

Lic. Jakub Piskorz

Koordination, Projektmanagement

Mag. Bahri Trojer
