Things to know: Info about Austria
From Almdudler to Zwetschke - Austria at a glance
We are convinced that mastering a language involves more than just regularly practising vocabulary, grammar and spelling. It is also important to know the country in which the language is spoken – with all its characteristic features.
That’s why we teach our course participants not only the German language, but also Austrian culture. It is a culture with many special features, which sometimes – if we’re being honest – require some explanation. In our German courses, course participants work on these peculiarities together with our experienced course instructors. In addition, you will find some content on this page for self-study. From interesting, amusing facts about the country to learning materials on the finer points of Austrian German.
Did you know that...?
Austria facts to smile and marvel at: on this page you will find out why the Linzer Torte is a record holder, what the Knödelland is all about and much more.
Austrian for beginners
Eierspeis or Rührei? Paradeiser or Tomate? Austrian German is sometimes not so easy. We have collected some documents that will make it easier for you to learn.