Specialist courses for legal German
Whether you’re working in a law firm with German-speaking clients, work within the legal department of a company in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, or are studying law and would like to complete part of your studies in Germany.
At the Österreich Institut, we’ll support you on your way to professional success. Our individualised specialist language courses are designed to give you the best possible preparation for pursuing your legal career or law degree in a German-speaking country.
Our focus: Practical application
Our main goal is to equip you with all the language skills you need to confidently navigate your work environment – day after day. That’s why we firmly focus on using learning materials and teaching methods relevant for practising law throughout the duration of this course – from studying authentic legal texts to case discussions and simulating typical situations that arise in a work setting. Amongst other things, the core contents of the course programme includes:
- Understanding legal texts (e.g. court rulings, legislations)
- Writing pleadings
- Writing short essays on select legal issues
- Interpreting and discussing laws
- Summarising court rulings (verbal and written)
- Discussing cases and legal problems
- Important aspects of the German and Austrian legal system (e.g. structures of public authorities, available legal resources)
This list is only an exemplary overview of what our extensive programme entails – our highly experienced language experts will individually tailor each course to the individual requirements of all participants.

What to expect from our specialist language courses
Our specialist language courses are available as private or group courses, the basic prerequisite for both is German language level B2 or higher. You decide the pace and intensity of your course: While our private courses allow us to focus entirely on you and your personal goals, our group courses give you the chance to learn and practice conversation with other participants.
Das erwartet Sie in unseren Fachsprachenkursen
Entscheiden Sie selbst, wie intensiv und in welchem Umfeld Sie lernen möchten: Im Individualkurs richten wir uns ganz nach Ihnen und Ihren persönlichen Zielen. Im Gruppenkurs profitieren Sie vom Austausch mit Ihren Kurskolleg:innen.
Zentrales Ziel aller Kurse ist das Verbessern Ihrer Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, damit Sie sich möglichst schnell in der Fachsprache der Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe zurechtfinden. Unsere langjährige Expertise ermöglicht es uns, professionelle Lernmaterialien zusammenzustellen, die genau darauf ausgelegt sind. So trainieren Sie gezielt jene Fähigkeiten und Themen, die im Joballtag gebraucht werden.
Specialist language group courses for companies
Our courses are not only available to private individuals, but also aimed at law firms and companies. Whether you’re looking for a specialist German course for only a specific number of employees or your entire team: We’ll be more than happy to put together an individualised group course to extensively prepare your staff for their daily legal work. Simply contact us for a personal consultation!
Book your online trial session now!
Want to find out more about our way of teaching? Register now for a free online trial lesson!
Depending on your language level, you can choose between standard German or a specialist language course (only recommended for levels B2 and up).

Buchen Sie gleich Ihre Online-Probeeinheit!
Sie möchten unser Institut und unseren Unterricht kennenlernen, bevor Sie sich für einen Kurs entscheiden? Melden Sie sich einfach für eine kostenlose Online-Probeeinheit an! Je nach Sprachniveau haben Sie die Wahl zwischen einer Einheit für Alltagsdeutsch oder einem Fachsprachenkurs (empfohlen ab Niveau B1).

Teaching excellence: German courses at the Österreich Institut
Whether beginner or experienced language user, at the Österreich Institut we’ve got the right German course for every language level. Our catalogue includes a wide range of courses from A1 to C2, which can be taken either online or directly on-site at one of our many locations. We cater for individuals and groups, but also offer fully individualised German courses for companies. You’re not sure yet which course is right for you? Simply take our online placement test to determine your language level, or get in touch with us directly – our staff are always happy to advise you. We’re looking forward to meeting you!